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Plan Sanction
Plan Sanction
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(Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) Town Planning:

The town planning section of the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike was established to oversee the regulation of buildings within its jurisdiction.

This section primarily handles tasks such as approving building plans, issuing commencement certificates, and granting occupancy certificates.
Leading this section is the additional director of town planning, who is supported by two joint directors at the head office and assistant directors at the zonal offices.

Period To Get A BBMP Plan Sanction: The time required to get a sanction plan from BBMP is - 15 to 20 working days

Sale deed / mother deed copy
Latest Khata
Encumbrance certificate (2004 to Till date ) 
Latest tax paid receipt
ID proof – Aadhar & Pan card
GPS - Property location & property photos
Previous sanction plan for upper floors (if applicable)

Required Documents for BBMP Plan Sanction:
The objectives of the BBMP Town Planning Section are as follows:

1. Approving building plans and issuing commencement certificates & occupancy certificates by zoning regulations of the revised master plan-2015 and building bye-laws.
2. Developing building bye-laws.
3. Providing technical opinions on town planning matters.
4. Registering architects, engineers, and supervisors at the head office.
5. Offering technical opinions on the transfer of development rights.
6. Handling any other tasks referred by the commissioner.

The BBMP Plan sanction process is organized into different zones depending on the type of project:

1. Head Office: This deals with the BBMP plan approval exceeding a height of 15.0 meters or structures of B+G+4 UF and above. The town planning section at the head office is overseen by the additional director (Town Planning) and supported by 2 joint directors (Town Planning). The commissioner serves as the authority for BBMP plan approval.
2. Zonal Offices: These handle the approval of building plans with a maximum height of up to 15.0 meters or structures of B+G+M+3 UF. At the zonal offices, the assistant director of town planning assists the joint commissioners in the building plan approval process.

Suvarna Paravanige: This is for the sanctioning of residential plans on sites up to 4000 square feet. Suvarna paravanige counters are located at the zonal offices of BBMP and are overseen by the Assistant Director of Town Planning (ADTP).
General proposal: This is for the sanctioning of residential plans on sites larger than 4000 square feet or any commercial/industrial/public and semi-public building proposals. These are also situated at the Zonal offices of BBMP and are headed by the Joint Commissioner (JC).

The proposals at zonal offices are divided into two types:

Revised Master Plan

Zoning Regulations

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